The best approach is to work the floor space down in sections and clean a bit at a time.
This way you won't have a large amount of waste to carry and throw away, you're less likely to drop it on the floor making a mess.
Our Chartwell Range of hutches will allow you to make use of the cleaning bar. The bar opens up a gap under the doors and enables you to sweep out rubbish into a bucket or container while your pets are still in your hutch.
Always clean your hutch every 2-3 days
Give the inside a look every day, this way you can keep a right eye on the condition and whether your pets need any more bedding.
You can use a watered-down soap cleaning solution from the kitchen but not anything too harsh like bleach. Some of our pet-friendly hutch cleaners are perfect you can view them here
They use natural ingredients and won't run the risk of harming or agitating your pets. A cleaning tool will also help speed up especially with the large floor spaces our hutches offer.
You should clean your hutch or at least inspect it every day. If you have fresh bedding a good sign that that you need to clean would be the state and freshness of this.
Things like a corner tray can help reduce the amounts of time you need to clean.
Mould and Mildew in Hutches
You can read our post on mould and mildew, how to prevent it and clean it up here
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